CAMAG Flat Bottom Chamber for 10x10 cm plates

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The CAMAG Flat Bottom Chamber for 10x10 cm plates with stainless steel lid is a classical developing tank for Thin-Layer Chromatography

Price: on request
Availability: Under the order

The CAMAG Flat Bottom Chamber is a classical developing tank for Thin-Layer Chromatography. The Flat Bottom Chambers permits the development of the plate under conditions of partial or complete saturation of the gas phase with solvent vapors. The degree of layer pre-saturation cannot be controlled unless additional accessories are used.

In additional you can purchase Filter paper for chamber saturation, pack of 100 (022.8370) to CAMAG Flat Bottom Chamber.

 Appearance of the product may differ from that shown in the photo.
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Integrated approach
Best possible price/quality ratio
Own logistics department
Own production facility