CAMAG Derivatizer 20x10 cm

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The CAMAG Derivatizer 20x10 cm is automated spraying device for reagent transfer onto TLC/HPTLC plates

Price: on request
Availability: Under the order

Derivatization means another step in the process, consequently causing an increase in variance. Even if an experienced technician manually sprays a reagent, the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the measured values rises up to 12%. Using the Derivatizer, the RSD increases by less than 5%, thus providing very reproducible results, equal to those obtained with the Chromatogram Immersion Device, yet consuming considerably less reagent.

The CAMAG Derivatizer is used for automated reagent transfer in the derivatization of thin-layer chromatograms and sets a new standard of reproducibility by employing a unique “micro droplet” spraying technology (patented). The Derivatizer ensures homogeneity and convenience in applying derivatization reagents, and offers other advantages as compared to manual spraying and immersion. The device is suitable for all common reagents. To meet the divergent physicochemical properties of the reagents, e.g. viscosity, four different color-coded nozzles are available, and the user can select from six spraying modes.

Key Features:
• Unsurpassed homogeneous reagent distribution
• Environmentally friendly and safe handling through a closed system
• Reproducible and user-independent results
• Low reagent consumption (2-4 mL)
• Hood for 20x10 cm and/or 20x20 cm plates
• Intuitive handling and easy cleaning

 Appearance of the product may differ from that shown in the photo.
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Price: on request
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